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Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex

October 16, 2010

What is That Painful-Looking Red Wound on my Cat’s Lip?

“Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex,” said Doc Truli.

“What?” said Shadow’s mom.

“Do you want the $20 name, or the $200 name for that red, ulcerated sore area on your cat’s lower lip,” said Doc Truli.

“Umm.  That was the $200 word, right?  How about you explain that in  people-talk,” said Shadow the cat’s mom.

A two-year-old female spayed black cat with big golden eyes looked up at Doc Truli.  Though Shadow was confident and beautiful, she sported a giant raw, red ulcerated, slightly oozing wound near the middle of her lower lip.

short-haired black cat with large yellow-gold eyes and a red sore on lip

This red, raw spot on a cat resembles ECG: feline eosinophilic granuloma complex

Diagnosing Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex (EGC)

No signs of any other skin sores or lesions.  Otherwise healthy cat.  Feline leukemia and Feline AIDs virus negative.  No foreign objects like a stinger or plant awn stuck on the sore.  No history or signs of trauma or injury.  Doc Truli placed a clean, new microscope slide with a special tacky adhesive layer on the skin, stained the sample, and examined the results microscopically.

“There are just wall-to-wall eosinophils in here,” said the Doc. (Pronounced ee-oh-sin-oh-fills)

“What does that mean?”

“It means there is not pus, like from an infection, or lymph cells, like a skin cancer, there are these red granules (eos- is a prefix for red in Greek) inside the immune cells.  These cells react to allergies and parasites.  In some cats, these eosinophils like to congregate somewhere on the skin and cause itchy, red, sore, ulcerated areas.  The condition has been given the name “Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex,”  said Doc Truli.

Rodent Ulcer is a common alternative name for the eosinophilic granuloma wound that spontaneously forms on the lip of an affected cat.  It is not contagious.  It does not come from a rodent.  I have no idea why it’s called a Rodent Ulcer!” says Doc Truli.

To truly diagnose EGC, your veterinarian must biopsy the area.  A small piece of your cat’s sore skin gets removed, surgically, sometimes under local anesthesia, usually under general anesthesia, and sent for processing and interpretation by a pathology specialist familiar with feline dermatology.  As the condition is not thought to affect internal organs and the treatment is inexpensive and fairly benign, your veterinarian may skip the biopsy to avoid further injury to your cat.

What Else Can EGC Look Like?

Round, flat, sometimes irregular plaque-like sores that can be very itchy pop up for no visible reason on your cat’s lip, down the spine, down the back on the hind legs, and sometimes on the belly and underarms.  Ringworm fungus, bacterial infection, food allergies, cutaneous (skin) lymphoma and various other diseases can resemble EGC; you will need a veterinarian, especially because some infections, like ringworm are contagious to people, your kids, and your other pets.

Will the EGC Go Away?

Yes!  The basic treatment involves steroids of some sort.  Steroids may cause temporary diabetes mellitus, or can unmask hidden heart disease and throw your cat into heart failure (check with your veterinarian).  But generally, cats tolerate steroids like methyl prednisolone and triamcinolone and prednisolone very well.  The wound will disappear almost magically.

Allopathic medicine – by which Doc Truli means “modern, Western, US-style, University of Pennsylvania medicine – gives no reasons why some cats get these red sores.  Perhaps allergies affect some cats causing the eosinophils to go nutty and aggregate into painful red lumps.  Let Doc Truli tell you about her personal cat who suffered EGC, waxy ears, and full anal sacs constantly.

“My little white barn cat, Minga, constantly needed ear cleaning and anal sac expression for the first two years of her life.  Then Minga developed a nasty red, ulcerated sore that covered half her lower lip.  I had read somewhere that allergies could trigger a rodent ulcer – so I thought and thought until I had an idea.  Minga loved fresh catnip from the plant growing on the porch.  She would go over to the closed wooden front door, paw the door, and then sit up like a begging bunny to be allowed on the porch.  Minga scored catnip almost every day with this adorable routine!

Then a light went on in my brain – I knew that people often crave foods they are allergic or sensitive to – like popcorn, or sugar, or white flour.  I thought, what if Minga is allergic to catnip?  So we experimented.  No catnip for a month.

After no catnip for a month, the lip healed, the ears stayed clean, and her little butt situation stopped bothering her.  But, the scientific part of any great experiment is the test of the theory.  After a month, I gave her catnip.

The very next morning, her anal sacs were full, butt red, ear canals coated with medium brown oily wax, and the sore returned to her lip!  Minga did not need steroids!  The little white cat needed to lay off the fresh nipper!”

How to Investigate a Cat’s Potential Allergy

Your cat may not be so clear-cut to figure out.  Here are some allergy detection tips for cats:

  • Be certain to use non-plastic dishes.
  • Use fresh, clean water.
  • Rinse the soap residue very well after washing the dishes.
  • If you change basics like the litter, only try one new thing a week.
  • If the change helps, go back to the old way the next week to see if the symptoms return!
  • Be suspicious of new bedding, especially wool or polyester.
  • Talk with your veterinarian about hypoallergenic food.  10% of cat allergies are food allergies.  Again, after the 8 week food trial, if it is working, you must go back to the old food for 3-4 days to confirm the allergy.

EGC Resolution

Shadow received a long-acting steroid shot.  The sore went away on 5 days.  Because EGC is not primarily an infection, all the Triple Antibiotic cream in the world was never going to work.  It just annoyed the poor cat!  Make your cat happy as quickly as possible by consulting your veterinarian!

34 Comments leave one →
  1. September 1, 2014 7:34 pm

    Hello Doctor, My cat was seen on 7/12/14 by my vet of 34 years and diagnosed with Eosinophilic Granuloma. He is approximately 6 years old. He had follow-up appointments on 7/26/14 and 8/26/14. The granuloma is located on his right front paw in between the first and second pads on the bottom of his foot. It looks just like another pad, which is what I thought it was until I counted 5 pads, only it is raw and oozing which caused him to limp. At the initial visit, the doctor injected the granuloma directly with prednisone (Depomedrol 20mg) and gave him an antibiotic shot (Cefovecin <25ml), along with his Rabies and Distemper vaccines. He received another injection of prednisone at the July 26th visit. The doctor saw that the granuloma had shrunk and dried up to about half the size. However, he said that if it was cancer, it would may also respond to the prednisone. He observed that the base of all of his pads were a reddish-pink color (fearing other granulomas were forming); this seems to have gone away. Also, my cat went outside on occasion because he was a rescue, however; that has ended because of the granuloma. At the 8/26/14 visit, the doctor recommended a biopsy or surgical removal to determine whether it was cancerous. At that visit, the granuloma still had not grown back to its original size, but now appears to be getting bigger, oozing, and he's licking it again. I had difficulty deciding on surgery because the veterinarian cannot guarantee that the granuloma would not grow back, so I just went with the bloodwork for the time being. I hate putting my animal through anesthesia and surgery only for this growth to reappear (and both the biopsy and surgery are expensive procedures). My vet told me if it were cancerous, there isn't much that can be done. I've been reading through information on the internet about EGC and some information indicates that a cat can live with the granuloma and it may even disappear at some point. I've also read things about allergies to kitty litter and catfood. My cats have been on the same food for years; there have been no dietary changes. An alternate course of treatment would be a daily dose of prednisone, which would not necessarily be that bad for a cat. I want to make the best decision for my cat. What should I do?

    • September 1, 2014 9:39 pm

      If you search “santana,” you will see my story about a kitten with eosinophilic granuloma on his paws like your kitty. His people spent $900 on wring treatments with another vet before we did biopsies. He was under anesthesia for 15 min and had 4 stitches. It really was worth it to get the right diagnosis.

      BTW: absolutely have your vet send the biopsies to a dermatopathologist, not a regular pathologist.

      Doc Truli

      • September 2, 2014 2:59 pm

        Hello Doctor, Thank you for the reply and the reference to Santana. This is a wonderful resource for questions regarding our furry children. First, what are wring treatments? Second, should I just go ahead and have the surgery done to remove the EGC (includes bloodwork) instead of just doing a biopsy procedure (which I thought was just a needle-size sample of tissue instead of total removal)? My vet separates out these two procedures but it sounds like option A is what you’re referring to. My vet became part of the VCA conglomerate of veterinarian hospitals several years back. The price to remove the EGC and bloodwork was initially $1,000 dollars but he was able to do a doctor discretionary adjustment to $800. By the way, has the EGC grown back on Santana? I also noted your comments on Santana regarding the high dose steroid injections every 2 weeks for 3 treatments.
        Sincerely, Renee

      • September 2, 2014 5:25 pm

        Hmmm. “Wring treatments” might be a weird typo. (Mia culpa)

        EGC is not “removed” with surgery. It is a disease/allergy process that can come and go in various locations on the body. It’s treated medically and diagnosed surgically. That’s why a biopsy is done, not extensive removal.

        The needle aspirate procedure is not sufficient to differentiate EGC from other differential diagnosis like autoimmune disease.

        I held off on the intensive steroids until we had a diagnosis. They could gave had massive side effects and we wanted to be sure the risk was worth it.

        Santana’s sores come back when he’s stressed out. They now stay away from his feet. He breaks out on his hind legs on the back of his thighs.

        Does that help?

        -Doc Truli

  2. August 29, 2014 10:52 am

    My 3 year old white persian cat has the same problem now, it all started this year (2014). I was giving her a catnip ball she licked for some time. This was prior to getting the symptoms, not sure if this activated the allergy but in May she got the symptoms on lower lip, they gave her 3-4 shots (once every day) and it disappeared totally. Then in July we got the same symptoms on other places of the lips and swollen gums on one place. Another vet prescribed pills “Prednivet” (Prednisolone-based) on a 3-week treatment. Issue gone completely again. Now, after 2 weeks of stopping the pills, the EGC returned again on lower lip. This article is quite useful and makes us feel better a little bit although we need to start checking what is causing this. We have been giving our cat both Friskies and Whiskas all its life until now, I suppose we need to move to another brand in order to check. Do you know what ingredients we need to avoid? I have read that “gluten wheat” is causing this disease in humans although the human version is far more dangerous. But I need to check if this is the case with cat foods. Can you send me your solutions and diets that fixed the problem for your cats? Please email me at if you can help. Maybe in 1 year I will also have a solution to this so you can email me if you need advise or I will post here if I can. Thank you for the great article! We will speak with a vet tomorrow and see what else we can try.

    • August 29, 2014 4:29 pm

      You will have better luck with an integrative veterinarian. I’ll bet someone who practices traditional chinese veterinary medicine could find a more lasting treatment than steroids.

      You could ask your regular vet to help you figure out the allergen that is triggering it. They might have the time to help you sort it out.

      I suggest starting with the big stuff. Like the cat litter. Make sure it’s unscented. And no catnip! Your cat is obviously allergic.

      Good luck!
      -Doc Truli

  3. Samantha permalink
    December 10, 2013 11:48 pm

    Could mold in the bathroom cause EGC?

    • December 12, 2013 8:56 am

      That has not been researched. But mold in the bathroom could cause lots of problems. It caused one of my friends to go deaf in one ear. !

  4. Samantha permalink
    December 10, 2013 8:27 pm

    Hi, My cats name is Georgie, he is 7 yrs old and about 3 yrs ago started getting scabs around his neck. When I took him to the vet she said it looked to just be feline acne. The scabs seemed to come and go as the seasons changed so I figured it must be acne. But for about 7 months or so the scabs have returned and don’t seem to be going away. He has also developed a small bald spot on his back up towards his neck and two small canker like sores on his top lip near where his lip sits on his canine teeth. He’s never had these sores before. I started to think it was an allergy so I recently changed his food, I was giving him Friskies Indoor delights and switched it to Simply Nourish grain free fish and shrimp. He loves the food and has been eating it for about two weeks now. The scabs seem to be going away but the sores in his mouth seem worse. Could this be due to EGC? or something more serious? I want to take him to the vet but I don’t know If maybe I haven’t given the food change enough time. I also starting today am giving him about a half a teaspoon of coconut oil, which he also enjoys. I put he coconut oil on his bald spot as well.

    looking forward to your reply.
    – Samantha.

    • December 10, 2013 9:28 pm

      Dear Samantha,
      Thanks for reading!
      Could be ECG.
      Takes a good 8 weeks for a new food to clear the system.
      Good luck,
      Doc Truli

  5. Alexandra permalink
    May 16, 2013 3:33 pm

    Hi,my cat is14 years old& for the last 5-6 years she has had a little reddish thing on her lover lip which was said to be a benigne tumor probably and that we should leave it be.And she didnt have any problem because of it so far.The,the night before last when i went to bed,she was ok,but yesterday morning when she woke me up to feed her,i noticed that there is a big green ball (lump) over that same place,size of a small marble.She doesnt seem to be in pain,but im worried what could it be.It turned up over night and its rather big in size over the same spot of the supposed tumor…Any help would be very appreciated.I took some pictures of it too if it would help

    • May 17, 2013 7:19 pm

      Hi Alexandra,

      If any lump that your vet thinks is benign changes, then it must re reevaluated. It could be revealing itself to be a problem, or it could have changed. Or maybe there is an infection on top of the lump. Please make an appointment to see your veterinarian as soon as you can.

      -Doc Truli

  6. May 14, 2013 5:17 pm

    MY cat had developed an allergic reaction to A big name cat food. We usually fed him A different big name cat food. But he developed an EGC that was getting pretty swollen and red, but then I started mixing Omega 3 with wet cat food and it swlled down quite a bit, it seemed to be getting better, and now he has these red like pigment sections on what is left of his EGC, and I do not know if it is because of the skin being stretched or anything. He is acting normally, and eating normally. I removed the Big name cat food and for now he is on A home made cat food diet, although I cannot afford it anymore.
    But i do not know if he is healing or if there is something else going on. It is worrying me because i am about to be moving(not by choice) and I cannot afford a vet bill and I do not want to cause him any pain or suffering or anything. I cannot afford to take him to the vet and I cannot afford a vet to come here.
    I am worried that I cannot take care of it.
    So How can i tell if his EGC is healing or not?

    • May 15, 2013 12:49 am

      Dear Kelly,

      It sounds like your cat has at least an uncomfortable sore, and at most a systemic disease that may be deteriorating their health. You should figure out a way to get professional veterinary care for your cat, even if it takes time.

      First of all, you do not have a diagnosis without a doctor visit. Period. So your treatments and conclusions could be wrong and you may get very frustrated and lost in a lot of ideas and things to try when perhaps the initial assumption that your cat is allergic or has EGC are wrong.

      Second, healing is healing. So redness, swelling, pain, and irritation should go away and the body either returns to its normal state or scars a little, but still no heat, pain, redness, or swelling should remain.

      These points go for anyone who reads VirtuaVet looking for ways to avoid professional medical care. My purpose in writing these stories and sharing these experiences is to help you get the most out of veterinary medicine,help you understand, prepare great questions for your vet and to help fill in gaps in communication that your vet either does not do because they do not have my education, experience and approach to they do not have time to do at the current consultation fee rates that are acceptable to the public at this time.

      -Doc Truli

      • May 15, 2013 10:48 am

        Well, it is not causing him pain or anything. as far as I am aware he doesn’t rub up on things and let it touch anything though.
        He still allows loves and all this. he eats and drinks normally, he plays normally.

  7. September 2, 2012 1:53 am

    If a cat has a mild granuloma, is there a point treating it, or can you just work on removing the cause? I’ve got a 2.5yo spayed female DSH with a pouty fat lip, but it’s not ulcerated or raw or seeming to itch or bother her eating at all (almost a pity; she could stand to drop a pound or two ;P). I first noticed it in June when she was exposed to fleas at my parents’ house, but it went down by itself when she was back home; it popped back up again a month ago in conjunction with our house finally succumbing to the insidious Ctenocephalides. So it seems pretty clear what the main cause is here. Is there any reason for me to run out and get her steroid shots for something asymptomatic, or is my money better spent on more expensive flea drops?

    • September 4, 2012 6:56 am

      Hmmmm. Well. Good question. I can only assume you know her best, in terms of figuring of she is uncomfortable. Remember cats hide their feelings about pain and discomfort. If we look to homeopathic concepts, then steroids would only add to the toxic load on her body.

      For fleas, please understand they treatment on your cat helps stop the 5% of the flea life cycle which is in the adult form. The 95% I eggs and cocoons is why her environment “succumbed” after visiting the folks’ house. So treat the environment thoroughly.

      If we assume eosinophilia granulomas are also only an outward manisfestation of disease, the question be ones how best to get her back to health. Certainly, get rid of the source of the problem. Then you can see if she will revert to a steady immunologic state.

    • September 4, 2012 7:14 am

      You know what? Your question has been bugging me since I read it. Even though you know your cat best, please take her to a veterinarian you trust. Here’s why: you should go to the veterinarian for the advice and expertise, not for a shot or a pill. The true value of the doctor lies in the perspective and experience you cannot have.

      That said, you need a veterinarian that is thoughtful and considerate, not just joking to the conclusion that you want your problem solved with a shot.

      There. I can go to work now!

  8. February 3, 2012 3:48 am

    I have a BEAUTIFUL high percentage F2 Savannah Female…. she is 7 months old… but has a BIG streak of wildcat in her. I have had her nails trimmed by the vet, since I got her… thinking that would be the best people to trust her with. Being such an exotic amazing cat, they spoil her rotten at the vet… she is a celebraty, basically, there. SO… Sept 30 I brought her in there, on her leash, like always… but I always bring a carrier…. to put her in, while riding home in my lill beamer with the top down. They were behind, at the vets office that day… so all the staff kept coming out to the waiting room and petting Kaya and spoiling her, as always….. she LOVED that place, untill that day. Kaya can be quite a handfull when she wants to be… so finally they walked her back on her little leash…. to clip her nails. They were gone SO long… but FINALLY brought her out… the girl was carrying her, and stuffed her in the carrier, really fast. I live only 5 minutes from the vet…. and as soon as I got her out of the carrier, at home, I noticed her foot…. it was swelled up huge, and black, like it had been cotterized. I took her STRAIGHT back…. driving a litte faster…. and was back there within 8 minutes of leaving that place. Of Course, they denied anything… but I sleep with Kaya… I spend about 24/7 with her… you don’t spend $6500. on a cat and NOT be REALLY in tuned with her! The vet gave her some antibiotics but not before RIPPING the hair off bettween her toes, trying to find a sticker or anything…. admitt NOTHING!!!!! Seems to be the theme. Well, her foot has been such a mess ever since that day… that minute! I have had to have her in there, 2-3 times a week…. no less than 1 time a week. We have had 2 biopsys… and it came back, both times, Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex. Steriod injections would knock it right away. I have read on a lot of different articles written by vet patholigists that this can be triggered by “inflamation, infection, and injury”. Mean while, I paid and extra $1000 for breeding rights, bought her an incredable F6 husband, and registered my future cattery. Then she got a sore, not only on her foot as it had been…. the very foot that they cut her toe off of, during a botched “nail trim”…. but last week she got a lesion on her lip!!! The vet said it could be an alergic thing…. that she should outgrow it… that she was too young to have this problem… but I now read its genetic?? And am thinking I’m going to have to have her spayed, after all this money and plans. The vet seems to think I should hold off on having her spayed, that she could outgrow this and I should see a vet dermatoligist, to see if its an alergy. I simply am at a loss as to how to proceed…. and who to trust, with the advise at this point. Its a little like the fox gaurding the hen house. I have always had to cook for her, because she WILL NOT EAT ANY BRAND, NO MATTER HOW EXPENSIVE AND TOP OF THE LINE, cat food. So, I make a lot of different hypo-allergenic “cat” food…. her favorite is “quinoa and tuna” that is totally complete… with taurine, kidz mutli vitamans, bone meal, ect…. all these recipes were from a book of recipes written by and for vets. Still we deal with outbreaks, on a steady basis. I need some advise from someone who is not involved in her injury or treatment. Is there someway I can have her tested to see if this is something I should worry about passing on, genetically, or something that could be controlled by finding the allergy she might have? I simply do not know what direction to proceed…. is this something I should worry about her mom passing on to future kittens? (Kaya’s mom is not mine…. but I’m sure they want to breed her again) I wonder what are the chances of passing this on? Thank-U. >^..^<

    • February 5, 2012 11:20 am

      Wow! You have good questions. Science does not have great answers for your situation. I do feel your pain for your (big) kitty and your cattery’s future. Admittedly, it is expensive and risky if you have to base a cattery of the health and well-being on only one or a few cats. You wait so long for them to mature. If they have a problem and cannot or should not be bred, what do you do?

      I would suggest a few things for you. Consult with a board-certified veterinary dermatologist. It might be expensive, but it will be nothing compared to what you have already invested in your future cattery and a board certified specialist is a highly skilled professional with advanced training. There are no clinical veterinary immunologists, like there are for people. I would advise you to have the dermatologist confirm your diagnosis before moving along with your questions. (We could be “meowing” up the wrong tree!)

      You may need to work with university specialists to determine what is happening to your girl and to investigate the possible genetic aspects f the disease process. I would start with a call to Penn Gen, the University of Pennsylvania’s Genetics Program. Also the Cornell Feline Health Center may be able to advise you.

      Please let us know how it turns out. Get a diagnosis. Then get a plan.

      -Doc Truli

      • Kat Canto of KatzSavannahs permalink
        December 11, 2013 2:26 am

        We did get the top derm vet from UC Davis up here…. it cleared up as soon as I switched Kaya from the plastic dishes to Stainless steel. Kaya had the cutest little baby…. a snow…. who is 10 weeks old today. She seems to be very healthy, and we are so happy to keep her. Thank-U so much for your reply… I only just saw it here. I will check the “notify me via email” thing here. I also got a lovely SBT Savannah kitten, a couple of months ago, who I will be showing, and also will breed her to my stud, Tafari, when she’s a couple years old. The 2 kittens are SO much fun, together! >^..^<

  9. Patty G permalink
    September 28, 2011 10:40 am

    my cat has egc since he was 3 months old. the first thing you need to know it is self limiting. second, the shots, the operations, the vets that never successfully treated it before are only treating symptoms. Overseas they say it is caused by multiple vaccines, so i no longer vaccinate my cat for anything, and he lives indoors. His symptoms presented themselves right after one of his first rabies vaccines. We got him as a stray, and believe that he’s been vaccinated 3 times, the whole gamet of vaccines that vets recommend. First by the owner who lost him andhis mother, second by the lady i adopted him from, and third by my vet that insisted i vacinate him as the adoption group is not authorized to vaccinate, or some crap like that, which i fell for. I do think about rabies, but if he does not go out, and the vet i’ve been working with says when he gets a feline disease, or he gets bit by something, we will treat it or vaccinate! I’ve been treating the egc holistically, (with a vet who showed me pictures of cured cats) with a raw food diet and have had some success. With success i mean, it gets a very little bit better all the time. This is an immune disease not a skin disease, and in my 2 years of dealing with it, it never really goes away, and symptoms present themselves with food changes or stress. There has been 15 cats cured in Israel with snake remedy, and they wrote a medical paper about the treatment, but you need to do this treatment with a holistic vet, as you can make the problem worse! my cat is happy, playful, and a little gross where his granulomas are, but his quality of life is great. we remain patient and hopeful that in the next 6 months to a year we will build up his immune system so that he is able to heal 100%. If I could find what he is allergic to, that would be great. the only clue i have is that in may and june he is completely symptom free, but it returns in July.

  10. July 20, 2011 11:08 pm

    Thanks for the great information on Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex….I had to take my cat to the vet today for this…she`s had it a couple of times before but never to the degree she has now..

  11. The Muir Family permalink
    January 11, 2011 3:43 am

    Our cat Buster was recently diagnosed with Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex, and has had to have several shots to help ease the painful outbreaks he would get in this mouth. Unfortunately, the shots only helped for about 2 weeks, and he would then have another outbreak.

    We decided to try a Hypoallergenic Diet (with our Vet’s approval first). About 2 months ago, we started a safe, natural diet for Buster. We are proud to announce that he hasn’t had an outbreak since!

    I think more pet owners (and even Veterinaries) need to be aware of this condition. It took a very long time to diagnose our Buster, as not many knew what this was or even how to treat it, other than giving the shots.

    Thanks for sharing your article!

    • Patty G permalink
      September 28, 2011 10:44 am

      what is your hypoallergenic diet? would love to try our cat on it, as the wrong food or if he catches a scrap of our food on the floor, brings out symptoms. lucky you found what works!

      • September 29, 2011 1:35 pm

        Dear Patty,
        I’m sorry to read about the troubles your kitty goes thorugh. He’s lucky to have such an attentive, persistent mommy.

        If you are feeding an organic, raw or home-cooked diet, you may not want to use the diet I used. I found the Hill’s Prescription Diet Z/D works very well for these kitties. Some of them do not like it, so for them, we try Hill’s Prescription D/D, which is usually the rabbit and green peas formula, or the salmon formula. There are other Prescription diets that can work well, too.

        Plus, some of my patients clear up when they have Kitty Probiotics (from the vet) put into their diet. Your veterinarian can guide you as to which one(s) might work best.

        Doc Truli

    • Elaine Barnes permalink
      July 27, 2012 11:55 am

      Vet says oral EGC – she’s now on shots – but only last about 3 weeks. Help! What else can I do??

      • July 28, 2012 3:27 pm

        Tough one! I recommend you consult a holistic veterinarian.

        Start an allergy elimination diet. Look for an allergy (I knew a cat who was allergic to fresh catnip from the plant and got a nasty sore only when she ate fresh nipper. )

        You can also use oral prednisolone instead of the shots. You could ask your veterinarian about that.

        Some of my patients get better for 6-12 months, or several years after a shot.

    • Elaine Barnes permalink
      August 6, 2012 7:11 pm

      My vet is using a combination of prednisolone and an anti-biotic. Since some of your patients get better for 6-12 months or several years after a shot, could you gi ve me precisely the drug (prednisolone?) or combination?? and the exact amount you injected? Thank you so very much! I’m getting desperate. She’s only six years old, and her owner died. I know nothing of her background!!

      • August 6, 2012 10:25 pm


        Your situation must be assessed hands on by a vet to get the right dose for your particular cat!

        Also, steroids can cause transient diabetes mellitus and can unmask hidden heart disease resulting in death from heart failure in hours to days.

        Please consult your veterinarian before giving any pharmaceuticals to your pet.

        Every cat is a little different. Communicate with your veterinarian about the results of treatment (or lack thereof). If you are getting nowhere, then ask for a referral to a specialist.

        Good Luck,
        Doc Truli

  12. October 21, 2010 5:49 pm

    Excellent post, very informative and ‘accessible’ to cat servants, too!

    • October 22, 2010 10:48 am

      Thank you for the feedback, Teri, although, admittedly, you are no ordinary cat servant!


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